Is there something about being a Scientologist that somehow leads professionals to commit so-called “white collar crimes”?

Some chiropractors that shared a common commitment to Scientology, once named the “Cult of Greed” by Time Magazine, have been linked to such crimes in recent news reports.

Markell Boulis focus in fraud caseScientologist Markell D. Boulis of Pennsylvania, now jailed on drug charges in Georgia, has become a focus in one of the largest health insurance fraud cases in the United States reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

The former chiropractor ran something called “Practice Solutions” out of his basement, selling other chiropractors a package of services.

Another Scientologist was reportedly linked to Boulis, chiropractor David Goroway, who became a defendant in a federal racketeering lawsuit that was later settled.

Time Magazine once noted, “Many of the group’s followers have been accused of committing financial scams” and called the organization “a hugely profitable global racket.”

Scientology has a history of specifically recruiting dentists, doctors and chiropractors through business management companies such as Sterling Management.

Boulis and Goroway were also associated with yet another Scientologist and chiropractor in Florida.

Scientology’s new Flag Building in downtown ClearwaterInterestingly, Clearwater, Florida, which is a major hub for the controversial church and is known for its many Scientology-linked building projects and businesses run by Scientologists, now has another distinction.

Clearwater has been cited by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in its annual report as a metro area with one of the highest per capita rates of consumer fraud in the United States.

Postscript: David Goroway contacted CultNews and advised that he is no longer involved with Scientology.


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