By Brian Birmingham
Where is Benny Hinn and what is he doing now?
A cursory search for his name in the news online reveals that he has not been in the news lately. And a look at Benny Hinn Ministries’ website and Facebook page shows that he’s got no public events coming up in the foreseeable future.
In fact, Benny Hinn’s name has not been in the news much at all since September of 2019. This was about the time when Hinn announced to the world that he was rejecting the so-called “prosperity gospel” and would henceforward preach only historically established Christian doctrine.
Indeed, a reading of Benny Hinn Ministries’ website reflects an absence of any reference to prosperity theology, “seed faith” teaching or anything of the sort. Instead, there are only references to prayer, healing, deliverance, and like topics.
One thing that has not changed about Benny Hinn’s presentation, is his emphasis on miracles, and how they can (and do) happen all the time.

Benny Hinn
While some evangelical churches and other houses of worship around the United States are ignoring Covid restrictions, Benny Hinn seems to be rather timid concerning his approach to serving the quarantined (and otherwise socially restricted) masses.
Where are the “Miracle Services” that he’s so famous for during this season of Coronavirus?
Benny Hinn does not appear at all enthusiastic about healing people from Covid these days.
Is he wary of becoming infected himself?
Maybe he has already been infected?
Hinn did suffer through heart attacks in 2015. And the past year may have been a bit rough regarding financial contributions.
But doesn’t Pastor Benny tell us that all manner of sickness and disease can be healed or cured through his ministry with God’s help?
Perhaps Benny Hinn now thinks that people must not rely upon him in any way, but instead heal themselves with God’s help alone.
If that’s the reason he has been so scarce lately, good on Benny for that!
FYI Rick A. Ross:
don’t post: FYI When my pastor had a heart attack he couldn’t get back in the pulpit to preach either., he tried but no go; which was good because he immulated to me no different than “jim jones”., scary guy my former very evil sociopath/psychopath of a pastor, so much control..and for what, end result…is good riddance when they’re gone.
Lets hope these con-men tele-evangelist ‘healers’ will all be put out of business and we will hopefully hear no more from any of them.
He’s at Jesus Image in Orlando, FL, his son-in-law’s, Michael Kouliano’s church. He’s planning on moving his ministry to Dallas, TX.
This is where an oversight group needs to be put in position and way too long in accountability. All the monies these ministries took in entirety each year they were in Business and where did it go? ALL of them, since they all behave like the Occult who hides sin, doesn’t live in truth, lives in darkness and sweeps sin under the Carpet. As, all these past, present, current leaders have made the church inane, inept, ineffectual and IRRELEVANT. People do not question where the money goes and who they help and worse, never learning anything, nothing concrete and no life skills etc., So, what good is Pew Research and all those groups if all these abusers and habitual liars of who they are and what own and worth and are they even Acts 16:31?
There has been so many groups wanting accountability to no avail to all this false church institutes that are really Business-Corporations-Corporations. Where did all your time and money go and when anyone needed help did not get as you tithed and attended church for years and how many of the leaders are actually satanist, masons, prayed for anyone to die and or cursed with cancer; imprecatory prayers and in heinous sins of adultery, child pedophile/molestation, homosexual sin and they still exist and the people the to be in sin People think about this, you’re old in a nursing home and where did all your money and time go and where will your false church leaders be as “the church was set up to deceive and that’s been throughout history”! Here we are. Worse during Covid did you false church entity stay open and have a on retainer as they took the people’s money for years?
Explain the Book the has a large list of satanic role call of pastors and we aren’t questioning if they’re Christian or really mormons? Do you even know who founded and funded your regime that you bow to the no different than King Nebuchadnezzar? WHERE DOES ALL THAT MONEY GO and why is no one living James 1:27?
Benny seems to be all fired up again, he’s having a a big healing thingy in Orlando this weekend. Feb 24, 2023.
Why didn’t Hinn do some healing during the pandemic? Oh, wait a minute, he’s a con man.