By Gina Catena

La Gourasana (her name should be sung), a.k.a. Carol Seidman deemed Voice of God for the Miracle of Love cult allegedly passed away on April 18th, 2010 from disseminated intravascular coagulation as complication from renal failure.  She was in her early fifties.

As reported in Kalindi’s online obituary in the Denver Post, “Kalindi was the founder of Miracle of Love Church, creator of the Miracle of Love Seminar, and spiritual leader of the Path to Ultimate Freedom. She came into this life to help thousands of people reestablish their loving relationship with God, and for those who desire it, to break the cycle of birth and death and return Home to God.”

Kalindi’s only daughter, Maha, invited her mother’s followers to participate in a 12-day period of “dedication of celebration of our beloved master Kalindi G.”

Kalindi La Gourasana, previously known by her given name of Carol Seidman, was the widow of the Lord Gourasana whose given name was David Swanson. Swanson as Lord Gouarsana claimed to be an incarnation of God.  Kalindi assumed leadership of the Miracle of Love in 1995 upon the passing of Swanson/ Lord Gourasana.  After her husband’s death, Kalindi claimed to be God’s voice on Earth, speaking for MOL’s Lord Gourasana.

The greatest legacy of Kalindi & Gourasana, is their establishment of the “Miracle of Love Church” (MOL). This cult group has undergone many name changes, and relocations of their central headquarters. Current names include “Miracle of Love Seminar,”  “Twenty First Century Transformation Center,” and “The Seminar.”  Locations are throughout the world.  The largest centers currently seem to be in Colorado, North Carolina and Munich.

An entry level MOL member begins by attending their workshop called “The Seminar” (formerly “The Intensive”) The Seminar is a classic Large Group Awareness Training program using known methods to psychologically break down participants through long hours, emotional public confessionals, strict diet control and strict social control.  This combination over several days or longer changes brain chemistry to render participants more impressionable. A neurochemical high results at the end of this Intensive, similar to a “runner’s high.”  Participants are led to believe that this high is the experience of God and unconditional love, granted them by Kalindi.

Graduates of the Seminar often report they feel reborn, replenished, high, transformed, and newly dedicated to breaking attachments in order to focus upon pursuit of God and “Breaking free” from deemed pain of Earth life.

“Breaking free” in pursuit of God, according to MOL teachings, requires following MOL’s strict lifestyle mandates, including donating ample time and money to their mission.

Insider sources have told stories of Kalindi’s abuse to her inner core of followers, including dictating marriages, divorces and child conceptions. Her extravagant personal habits allegedly included spending over $100,000 annually on her wardrobe by some reports, and an increasing dependency upon chemical substances.

In the early days of MOL, Kalindi often played the dominatrix goddess, ostensibly to break her followers free of preconceived ideas of love and attachment.  Using the lure of freely expressed love without attachments, valued MOL recruits and donors were often rewarded with unconditionally loving partners in gratitude for their devotion to Kalindi’s deemed path to God and ultimate freedom.

Reputedly, MOL’s new figurehead leaders will include Kalindi’s grown daughter, Maha, Racole Tackett and The Lady, amongst others.

Racole Tackett is a therapist and expounded as a spiritual master in MOL.  She is known for using such phrases as “What is about you that makes you feel that way?” to break her clients down, doubt their emotions, and turn increasingly toward MOL directives.

The Lady, another MOL “Master”, plays their example of unconditional love and acceptance, doting upon those who perhaps miss having an idealized mother figure.

Maha Swanson is the beautiful youthful voice, and heir apparent as the only daughter of MOL’s Voice of God.

The Miracle of Love is offering extensive support to their global membership, using their leader’s death to further accentuate group bonding.  MOL’s memorial activities are centralized at their Denver and Munich centers.  Other MOL centers globally are undoubtedly lending their support through this challenging time.

Time will tell how the Miracle of Love transforms itself, its message and marketing for new recruits in the absence of Kalindi’s orchestrations.

With Kalindi’s passing, many MOL members may be mourning the loss of their living godhead.

Others may begin to doubt their spiritual directives, since their Lord Gourasana had promised that Kalindi would have a long life.

Those who choose to leave the MOL now may find themselves in a moment of crises and self-doubt.
A yahoo support group specifically designed for former MOL members and loved ones of MOL members can be accessed by clicking here.

Critical information about MOL may be found through the following links:

Miracle of Love by Jill Kramer, Pacific Sun March 2006

My Life with Miracle of Love (part 1 of 7)

A Warning on Miracle of Love

Miracle of Love, a critical response

The Ross Institute Internet Archives subsection on Miracle of Love

Miracle of Love and cult tactics?

May the MOL members who awaken from their manipulations find appropriate recovery resources and inner freedom. May they learn to stand without a charismatic cult leader directing their thoughts, relationships and behaviors.  The loss of directives from Kalindi La Gourasana and her surviving minions will catalyze their greatest rebirth.

For more Kalindi information:

Podcast of Kalindi can be viewed here

YouTube clips of Kalindi can be viewed here

Note: I am personally indebted to Ms. Carol Seidman in the guise of Kalindi La Gourasana.  My last relationship painfully ended a number of years ago, partially due to the intense devotion of my former partner to Miracle of Love’s teachings and methods.  Thanks to Ms. Seidman’s brilliant orchestrations, I was not only spared what would have been a difficult partnership, but I was fully awakened to the mess of my own cult upbringing in the Transcendental Meditation Movement, led by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  Thanks to Ms. Seidman, I belatedly obtained appropriate cult recovery therapy and resources. For that, she has my eternal gratitude. May she rest in peace.

Copyright © 2010 Gina Catena

alley220×298.jpgIs Kirstie Alley (photo left) attempting to somehow promote the “cult” Scientology through her new diet plan?

Roger Friedman raised this question and now comes the push back from the former sitcom star.

She says his insinuations are “bullshit.”

But it looks like Alley isn’t exactly being completely honest herself.

If you take a peek at her Web site “Organic Liaison,” the diet program in part appears to be predicated upon the theories of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.

In his book “Clear Body, Clear Mind” Hubbard posits the theory that toxins can stay “in the tissues and mainly the fatty tissues of the body.” He further explains that “chemical poisons and toxins, preservatives, pesticides etc, as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs…can lodge in the tissues and remain in the body for years” potentially causing “unpredictable trips.”

This very same theory seems to be promoted within Alley’s weight loss program.

The “Organic Liaison” Web site states, “toxic substances get in the way between your body and the natural digestive process that breaks down fat. Preservatives additives, hydrogenated oils, nitrates and other toxic substances put stress on your organs…Your body cannot process those substances and thus stores them as FAT.”

Apparently reiterating Hubbard’s mantra Alley summarizes, “toxins end up stored in the fat area of your body.”

Of course her diet program can supposedly purge a participant’s toxins through “Rescue Me,” which is “a special formula that helps…gently cleanse the body, taking the ‘toxic’ out and putting the healthy in.” The diet supplement contains “organic ingredients, including nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals, natural herbs, fiber and antioxidants.”

But as the “Organic Liaison” Web site admits, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration” (FDA).

Hubbard’s theories have historically been packaged and repackaged within a myriad of programs pitched by Scientologists. This has included everything from “Detox” clinics touted by Tom Cruise to the Narconon drug rehab program, which Kirstie Alley says saved her life.

Hubbard’s toxin talk boils down to what Scientology calls the “Purification Rundown,” which allegedly is the cure for whatever toxins trouble you.  The rundown is a regimen that reportedly includes a “vitamin cocktail.”

However, Hubbard’s pseudo-scientific theories have been widely disputed and described as “false.”

Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D., a forensic psychologist and a toxicology expert based in California with more than 30 years of experience, dismissed Hubbard’s teachings as “a total myth.”

And Narconon specifically has been criticized and scrutinized concerning its programs within California’s public schools.

Steven Heilig, director of health and education for the San Francisco Medical Society wrote in his report that Narconon “often exemplifies the outdated, non-evidence based and sometimes factually inaccurate approach.”

Kirstie Alley has acted as an official spokesperson for Narconon.

soram.jpgAlley claims that she has assembled a world class team of experts to help her with Organic Liaison, including Dr. Soram Khalsa (photo right), the Medical Director for the “East-West Medical Research Institute.” Soram is a vitamin D enthusiast and coincidentally has his own purported “cult” connection. The M.D. was a student of Yogi Bhajan, the controversial guru of a group called 3HO.

Kirstie Alley may have faith that Scientology is her savior, capable of clearing and/or cleansing the planet, but peddling Hubbard’s quaint and questionable theories to those struggling with weight problems doesn’t seem that helpful.

By Joe Szimhart

Let us pretend that one day, say this day February 27, 2010, that a man was looking on line for something interesting to listen to. He finds a podcast interview on with a psychologist, John Breeding, PhD, conducted by Stefan Molyneux (photo below), founder and director of a b510991678_41963116678_2683.jpg web enterprise at (FDR). The interview lasts nearly 54 minutes and its topic is “On the Myth of ADHD and antidepressants.” At first blush the man sees Molyneux, a balding man with close-cropped hair, a pleasant face and wearing a dark shirt fill the left side the screen. Molyneux is apparently parked in front of his computer attending to production by himself and sipping from a large cup now and then. On the right side of the screen is an image of Dr Breeding intermittently replaced by the FDR logo. So for over 50 minutes one sees Molyneux in his Canadian office location talking full face and taking sips from a mug whereas Breeding is on audio from Texas.

Breeding like Molyneux appears to promote a private agenda as an activist. Breeding is in the anti-psychiatry camp. Molyneux is known for his anarcho-capitalist’ utopian views. Breeding argues and even preaches that there is “no incontrovertible scientific evidence” to support medications that treat so-called brain diseases like ADHD, schizophrenia or mood disorders. Breeding sees a “conspiracy” in the pharmaceutical industry aligned with psychiatrists to create treatments or cures for diseases that have no biological or scientific basis. Molyneux praises Breeding as one of those “voices in the wilderness” who we should heed if we are to become truly “moral” beings. Breeding runs his own maverick enterprises through where he promotes his ideas, services and books.

“Interesting,” says the man to himself. Now curious, he searches for more background on the two men featured on the podcast. Molyneux, he discovers, is a self-starter who runs an Internet business through that features podcasts, forums and call-in sessions for people interested in Molyneux’s libertarian views. The site also serves up a kind of therapy that Molyneux, supported by his social worker wife, offers. Many if not most podcasts feature the damaging influence of corrupt families and abusive parents. A core feature of Molyneux’s influence is to free oneself from abusive family and friends”in his way of thinking all parents were and are abusers. Molyneux calls breaking away a Defoo which is new-speak for Departing your Family Of Origin. It means ending all contact thus ending all alleged intellectual and emotional contamination.

dr-john-breeding.jpgAs for Breeding (photo right), the man finds little if any significant support for the psychologist’s work in the scientific community. “Hmm,” he thinks. “The man talks big about science yet where is his science?” Of the many recommended links on Dr Breeding’s website the man finds at least two linked to the Church of Scientology that in turn endorses Breeding and his anti-psychiatry’ ideas. “Aha!” he thinks, “Now we are getting somewhere. This picture is clearing up”no pun intended.” Looking further into anti-psychiatry, the man finds another site called but that site explicitly states: “No Scientologists, please” or anyone associated with Scientology’s Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights need apply to volunteer to help The Antipsychiatry Coalition. “There appears to be dissention among anti-psychiatry groups,” he notes. Breeding calls CCHR an awesome organization’ according to which calls Breeding’s organization Texans for Safe Education a Scientology Front Group.’ But is one of those King James Bible, fundamentalist sites. “Consider the source,” he cautions. “Front group may be overdoing it.” The man finds articles by Dr Breeding featured on Scientology’s site. “Bedmates, for sure.”

On Breeding’s site the man finds an excerpt from The Necessity of Madness and Unproductivity: Psychiatric Oppression or Human Transformation (Breeding, 2007). It appears indicative of Breeding’s thought process: “We may have instituted child labor laws, but look at the modern alternative. Ritalin, a drug known to produce repetitive, stereotypical behavior in animals, is being foisted on millions of our school-age children with the hope of enforcing classroom docility, compliance and productivity.” He observes that both Breeding and Molyneux care about children.

Further down the page he finds this odd revelation from Breeding: “Unproductivity (sic) is necessary to step out of the rules of productivity and move into forgiveness. This reflects a more general principle about the nature of beliefs and caroline_sitting2.jpghuman development. Carolyn Myss (photo left), medical intuitive and best-selling author, begins her tape series, Energy Anatomy’, with the provocative assertion that madness is an absolutely essential stage in the attainment of spiritual maturity. The reason for this¦is that we are all necessarily, inevitably and thoroughly initiated into the beliefs of our tribe, or culture, from the time of our conception onwards. These beliefs thoroughly impregnate our body and our psyche, largely at a non-verbal level. We are all tribal members, loyal to tribal law, way before we even begin to approach the idea, much less the experience, of becoming an individual.”

“Wow, what a mouthful! No wonder Molyneux likes Breeding. They both break out in an anti-establishment rash over the same things. A lot to chew on there,” says the man. “But do I have to get crazy before I can be free? And how crazy?”

Well, let me help with the chewing. Let’s work backwards. Carolyn Myss, a self-proclaimed medical intuitive’ is basically a slick psychic practitioner operating under a quacky euphemism ( Myss’s books have sold well and she does appear as a speaker at New Age and comparable human potential conferences. Myss has created a veritable industry out of her quasi-astrology like Archetype Readings and her Carolyn Myss Educational Institute (CMED) that promotes various workshops called Sacred Contract, Defy Gravity and Entering the Castle. After two years training, one can become an Archetype Counselor under CMED. The counselors help “individuals to transform and empower their lives through the study of the wisdom and mystical traditions, through learning to navigate the vast resources of the archetypal realm, and through understanding the mysteries of healing and the nature of the soul” (

Breeding promotes a world of irrational manipulation when he endorses Myss. Who in their right mind is going to believe that Myss truly understands “the mysteries of healing and the nature of the soul?” One wonders why Breeding so vehemently opposes mainstream psychiatry as “oppressive” and “unscientific.” If anything is unscientific it is Myss’s CMED and not Prozac or Ritalin or the application thereof by sensible, sensitive doctors. In my work as a “cult specialist” I have come to see a large red flag waving when idiosyncratic healers like Breeding preach against psychiatry as “unscientific.” I also work in a mental hospital and am amply aware of the shortcomings of treatment but that has a lot to do with the non-compliant behaviors of patients and complexities of diagnosis. The science behind medications like Ritalin is rigorous to say the least. Properly applied medication is evidently and at times miraculously effective.

So, why does Stefan Molyneux of FDR praise Breeding so? During the podcast Molyneux offered only compliments and no sharp, provocative criticisms of what stands at best to be speculative, reactionary psychology on Breeding’s part. Molyneux the atheist could hardly endorse the Myss-like spirituality favored by Breeding. Not unlike but more eloquent than Breeding, Molyneux talks wittily, spews fact, quotes quotable authors and spouts philosophy as well as any common preacher who can tap-dance through his scriptures. An unwary seeker may be mightily impressed with the smooth delivery of a man who wants to reform the world with his cry for emancipation from the oppressive masters of State, religion, establishment schools, and cultures of origin. Molyneux praises Breeding because he also diverts attention from glaring personal flaws by attacking paper dragons.

Many have taken up the FDR banner. Molyneux touts the anarcho-libertarian truths his mostly youthful followers want to hear but to live those truths they soon learn about cutting off the influences that purportedly fetter them (the Defoo process mentioned above). In the wake of Molyneux’s preaching against “abusive” families and all matter of societal norms as corrupt are parents and old friends who grieve the total loss of a relationship to FDR devotees they still cherish.

Some followers have moved in with one another while most interact through cyber cells. An FDR devotee today might be psychologically locked in a FDR collective as a “Philosopher-King.” To gain that rank he or she pays $50 a month or more to Molyneux for the podcast privilege of therapy-like interaction with their guru. The guru appears to be on a track to secure a private, radicalized human-development industry not unlike Myss has. This is not to say that Molyneux even knows who Myss is, much less agrees at all with the content of her preaching. This is not about content. This is about manipulated behavior within a certain context. Perhaps he’s seeking to create a crew of Philosopher-Kings who will function much like the Archetype Counselors who feed recruits and fees into the relatively lucrative Carolyn Myss enterprises. Anything is possible when freedom is the goal but the questions remain: Freedom from what? Freedom to do what?

I am reminded here of something Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:

Do you presume yourself to be free? If so, then I want you to tell me what is your ruling idea, and not that you have broken free of some fetter. Are you the kind of man who ought to be unfettered? For there are many who cast off their final value when they cast away their chains.”Thus Spoke Zarathustra

For more information see:

Stefan Molyneux Revealed
Molyneux Cult Watch
Ancaps Anachro-Capitalists Cult Watch

esp72.jpgAn Albany Times-Union front-page story featured the fantastic financial failures of Keith Raniere (photo left), leader of a purported “cult” near Albany, New York known as NXIVM (pronounced Nexium like the purple antacid pill).

It seems some of Raniere’s devotees became the bank for his business schemes, which culminated in fantastic losses.

Perhaps those investors may prefer the antacid pill now to further financial advice from NXIVM, also known as “Executive Success Programs.”

Raniere, a former multi-level marketing guru that saw his previous business Consumer Buyline go bust, has reportedly blown through about $100 million dollars of other people’s money.

That is, funds primarily provided by two heirs to the Bronfman/Seagram fortune, Sara and Clare Bronfman.

According to the Times-Union report Raniere lost “$65 million” through commodities speculation, “26 million” in failed California real estate deals and spent millions more in legal fees.

But Mr. Raniere, known as “Vanguard” to his faithful followers, apparently attempts to deflect any meaningful personal responsibility by blaming his failures on former business associates, the “negative thoughts” of others and “outside forces.”

NXIVM’s latest lawyer Robert D. Crockett of the Los Angeles law firm of Latham & Watkins, acknowledged Raniere’s “heavy losses,” but attempted to spin their significance.

“We’re talking about people [Sara and Clare Bronfman] who have hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in speculative and non-speculative ventures, ” Crockett said.

But isn’t it also reasonable to surmise that Raniere, who claims that “The Guinness Book of World Records” has listed him for his supposedly high IQ, is just plain stupid?

CultNews has been told that the Bronfman sisters may have another hundred million or so to blow before they go broke.

But how long will that hold out given the burn rate of Mr. Raniere?

Vanguard, who is described in the recent press article as both a “compulsive gambler” and “crazy,” seems to be repeating past mistakes.

Consumer Buyline, Raniere’s last major business enterprise, tanked after numerous lawsuits and substantial legal fees overwhelmed it.

Is history simply repeating itself?

It has been said that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

barbara-bouchey_tn.jpgIf the Bronfmans go broke they will likely be able to fall back upon forgiving family resources.

But at least one purported victim of Raniere’s financial schemes isn’t so forgiving.

Not an heiress Barbara Bouchey (photo right) worked for years to accumulate her assets. She then reportedly lost $1.7 million betting on Raniere.

Ms. Bouchey wants her money back.

Editor’s Note: Included in the millions of dollars Keith Raniere has wasted of other people’s money is what he has spent on hopeless lawsuits to harass his critics and perceived enemies. This includes years of extended litigation against the Ross Institute of New Jersey, sponsor of CultNews. Perhaps Raniere’s only significant achievement may be an effective expansion of the First Amendment through an appellate ruling in this litigation, i.e. regarding freedom of speech and fair use, versus the power of a confidentiality agreement. Hardly the result that Mr. Raniere wanted, but nevertheless significant. It seems as if lawyers are the most likely professionals to make money off Raniere. Meanwhile the Ross Institute is deeply grateful to the many attorneys that have provided pro bono legal assistance. This has included Douglas M. Brooks, Thomas F. Gleason and Public Citizen, who handled the litigation while it remained in New York and Peter Skolnik, Michael Norwick and Tom Dolan of the law firm of Lowenstein Sandler, along with assistance from the Berkman Center of Harvard University, which has handled the litigation since its transfer from New York to New Jersey federal court.

esp721.jpgOn November 30th NXIVM (pronounced nexium like the purple antacid pill), the brainchild of failed multi-level marketing guru Keith Raniere (photo right), experienced yet another legal defeat in its ongoing effort to end criticism of the company on the Internet.

In a federal court order handed down by New Jersey Judge Dennis Cavanaugh a motion filed by NXIVM to reinstate causes of action previously dismissed in June of 2007 has been denied. This included an effort to reinstate claims of “product disparagement” and “tortious interference” in a long-standing lawsuit filed against the Ross Institute of New Jersey (sponsor of CultNews).

Cavanaugh ruled that critical articles written by psychiatrist John Hochman and psychologist Paul Martin within the Ross Institute Internet Archives are “protected statements of opinion which cannot be the basis for legal claims of disparagement or tortious interference.”

Read the reports:

“A Forensic Psychiatrist Evaluates ESP”

“A Critical Analysis of Executive Success Programs Inc.”

“Robert Jay Lifton’s eight criteria of thought reform as applied to the Executive Success Programs”

NXIVM attempted to have a statement recently extracted from Hochman as part of a settlement considered “new evidence” in support of a hoped for reversal by Judge Cavanaugh of his previous ruling.

However, the judge said that the psychiatrist’s statement “does not contain any new evidence” nor “any new information.”

Cavanaugh pointed out that the “case was originally filed in August 2003; and resolution has been delayed by repeated changes in counsel and failures [by NXIVM] to provide discovery which have led to monetary sanctions” against the company.

Summing it up the New Jersey federal court ruled, “Granting leave to amend imposes undue delay and unfair prejudice on the non-moving party and permits amendment where the Court determined such claims are futile. Therefore, leave to amend to re-plead the…claim[s] is denied.”

This means that NXIVM and Raniere, known as “Vanguard” amongst his devoted followers, only have very tenuous copyright and trade secret claims left to litigate.

For those that have not followed the long story of NXIVM’s lawsuit filed against the Ross Institute, Keith Raniere has made copyright and trade secret claims similar to those frequently used by Scientology. That is, Raniere maintains that quoting his written teachings for the purpose of criticism is somehow a violation of copyright and trade secret protection.

However, The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit  in New York City previously handed down its definitive opinion some time ago (NXIVM Corp v. The Ross Institute ” Docket No. 03-7952), regarding an injunction request made by NXIVM to remove the reports from the Internet based upon such copyright claims.

The court said, “We agree…that the website’s use of quotation from the manual to support their critical analyses of the seminars¦[was used] for the purpose of ‘criticism, comment scholarship, or research.’

The court also noted that NXIVM’s claim that the doctors had unlawfully copied “‘the heart of their ‘services'” within the reports was meaningless, because “such services¦are not copyrightable expression.”

The decision read, “in order to do the research and analysis necessary to support their critical commentary, it was reasonably necessary for defendants to quote liberally from NXIVM’s manual.”

The court also said that use of a group’s material “might well harm, or even destroy, the market for the original,” but that this “is of no concern to us so long as the harm stems from the force of the criticism offered.”

Judge Dennis Jacobs summed it up succinctly, “Ross and his co-defendants quoted from NXIVM’s manual to show that it is the pretentious nonsense of a cult¦Certainly, no critic should need an author’s permission to make such criticism¦”

A NXIVM effort to appeal the Second Circuit decision to the United States Supreme Court also failed.

What will Keith Raniere do now?

The situation does appear to be getting increasingly hopeless for the purported “cult” leader.

As the Second Circuit prophetically predicted years ago; “Plaintiffs are not likely to succeed.”

Nevertheless Keith Raniere through NXIVM has spent millions of dollars on legal bills hoping that his lawyers could somehow transform frivolous empty claims into substance.

Meanwhile the Ross Institute has been generously represented pro bono by attorneys and public advocacy groups dedicated to protecting freedom of speech as provided for by the First Amendment.

What Raniere foolishly chose to ignore is that included within the world of ideas and free expression is the implicit freedom to criticize what others create. Apparently, despite his vaunted “genius,” Vanguard couldn’t comprehend this simple truth.

Now other than a pitiful settlement from a beleaguered psychiatrist weary of the litigation, Raniere has little to show for his years spent in the courts. Instead, all his legal wrangling has actually achieved is to expose NXIVM to increased scrutiny, which has reportedly caused significant defections.

Sources have told CultNews that NXIVM keeps shrinking, as more and more of its devotees have decided to leave.

Today the company seems to depend largely on the continuing generosity of its few remaining wealthy patrons.

“Vanguard,” as it apparently turns out is hardly on the “cutting edge” of anything, other than fundraising.

Note: the Ross Institute is deeply grateful to the many attorneys that have provided pro bono legal assistance. This has included Douglas M. Brooks, Thomas F. Gleason and Public Citizen, who handled the litigation while it remained in New York and Peter Skolnik, Michael Norwick and Tom Dolan of the law firm of Lowenstein Sandler, along with assistance from the Berkman Center of Harvard University, which has handled the litigation since its transfer from New York to New Jersey federal court.

Noted psychologist and cult expert Paul Martin, 63, passed away after an 8-month battle with leukemia on August 14, 2009.

paulmartin.jpgDr. Martin (photo right) was the founder and director of the Wellspring Retreat in Albany, Ohio; the only licensed mental health facility exclusively devoted to the rehabilitation of former cult members in the United States.

Since its inception in 1986 Wellspring has helped more than 1,000 clients through its residential treatment program and countless others through educational outreach.

Dr. Martin was the son of Rev. Paul and Esther Martin both now deceased who served churches in Athens, Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Barbara of 42 years and his son, Timothy Paul, now a senior at Ohio University in Athens. Also surviving are his siblings: Miriam, of Olathe Kansas, Lois of Crossville Tennessee, and Stephen of Albany.

Paul and Barbara Martin worked together tenaciously and selflessly often struggling to make Wellspring a reality and keep it going.

The Martins devotion and dogged determination came from the special understanding and commitment they shared as former “cult” members themselves. Paul and Barbara were once actively involved in the Great Commission International, led by Jim McCotter.

One of Dr. Martin’s last clients said, “I knew…he was not feeling well, but he never complained nor missed a session. I can honestly say that the two weeks I spent at Wellspring changed my life.”

An early client noted, “I was fortunate to work with Paul. The world is a better place because of his contributions to helping former cult members recover from their traumas. He was a kind, devoted, caring, wise man, and I will always be grateful for his help during my time of need.”

The mother of one cult survivor that Wellspring served last summer said, “I just will never understand why such a wonderful healing man as Dr. Martin should have to be taken from us.”

Paul Martin received his BA and MA in Experimental Psychology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City (1968-1971.) He also obtained an MA in Humanities from Western Kentucky University in 1977 and his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in Counseling in 1983.

Dr. Martin also did theology course-work at Princeton University and Nazarene Seminary.

Paul was the pastor at a campus church in Kansas City for 7 years. He was also instrumental in seeing that a freedom of religion case was pursued all the way to the Supreme Court, setting a legal precedent (Widmar vs. Vincent).

He worked as a college professor for 5 years at Geneva College in Pennsylvania. And also as a behavioral psychologist at Echoing Meadows in Athens for more than twenty years.

Paul Martin authored the book, “Cult-Proofing Your Kids,” published 15 scholarly articles, and presented over 60 workshops/seminars at a variety of professional conferences. He was often interviewed by local, national and international news media from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Kansas City Star and CBS “48 Hours” to Tokyo Broadcasting.

He served as an expert witness in 29 court cases, offering testimony regarding the role of coercive persuasion commonly called “brainwashing” as a cause of behavioral changes. This included such hi-profile cases as the Muhammad/Malvo the so-called “DC sniper” trial and the prosecution of terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, where he testified about recruitment practices.

Dr. Martin was the recipient of the John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Cultic Studies in 1993. In 2006 he received the Herbert L. Rosedale Award “in recognition of leadership in the effort to preserve and protect individual freedom.” Both awards were from the American Family Foundation, now known as the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA).

Chinese scholars that benefited from Paul Martin’s expertise offered their condolences to ICSA, where he once served as a board member. “Dr. Martin’s death is not only an imponderable loss to Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center, but also to Cultic Studies in the world. We will miss his extraordinary knowledge and sagacity, his compassionate support of former cult members, and his warm contributions to the spiritual retrieval of human beings,” they said.

A client of Wellspring during its first five years remembered, “Paul was a 1-in-a-million kind of person. Totally himself all the time: honest, direct, intelligent and funny — but always with such never-ending compassion for cult survivors. I will forever reflect on him for the incredibly special contributions he made in his lifetime to this world. We are all so blessed to have known him. Rest in peace, Paul. We will always celebrate your life.”

Another Wellspring client simply said, “What he has left, those he has helped directly and indirectly will honor his name for a very long time.”

Despite all his accomplishments Paul was a humble man. His greatest love remained his wife and son.

Note: CultNews (Rick Ross) had a long-standing professional relationship with Paul and Barbara Martin that stretched back to the early beginnings of Wellspring. Paul had an infectious smile and a twinkle in his eye when he joked. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone, with the exception of cult leaders that hurt people.

Computer programmer Bruce Raisley waged a one-man-war against his perceived enemies on the Internet, but ultimately was forced to surrender to the FBI as reported by the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

“His actions were alarming in that he chose to attack third party websites when he didn’t like their content,” says Assistant U.S. Attorney Erez Liebermann. “It’s one thing for him to be unhappy with a website. It’s another thing for him to attack third parties that have not done anything, which causes damage on the side of the victim companies and on the side of any affected computer” quoted Wired News.

Raisley, whom Liebermann says works for HSBC in Pennsylvania, faces a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He was released on a $100,000 unsecured bond and is restricted to using his home computer for work purposes only. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for July 20.

Raisley 47, specifically attacked both Rolling Stone and Radar magazines, Carnegie Mellon University, the Ross Institute of New Jersey (sponsor of CultNews) and reportedly at least six other targets.

The Ross Institute was first attacked during April of 2007 and the attacks continued almost daily for approximately one year. Raisley’s mode of offense was what is called a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack.

A DDOS attack is an ongoing effort to sabotage a Web site server by saturating it with so many requests for information that it cannot effectively respond to normal traffic. The objective is to either crash the server completely or slow it down to the point of being barely functional.

DDOS attackers rely upon malicious software to construct and control a “botnet,” which is made up of computers infected with a virus that causes them to respond like robots to commands as part of a network.

Raisley controlled just such a botnet that included thousands of infected computers, largely located in Eastern Europe.

Why was Bruce Raisley willing to spend so much of his time and energy to criminally attack Web site servers?

Because each Web site he attacked contained embarrassing information about a sting that caught the computer programmer by surprise.

As reported first by Radar Magazine in an article titled “Strange Bedfellows” by John Cook and later by Rolling Stone in its report “‘To Catch a Predator’: The New American Witch Hunt for Dangerous Pedophiles,” Bruce Raisley was first a supporter and then became an outspoken critic of an Internet vigilante group known as “Perverted Justice” (PJ).

PJ is most known as the catalyst behind the controversial TV show “To Catch A Predator” presented through NBC Dateline.

pjustice3.jpgPhillip John Eide (photo left), who now goes by the name “Xavier Von Erck,” runs PJ.

Raisley threatened to harass and expose PJ members.

But Von Erck decided to get Raisley first.  He then employed essentially the same entrapment methods he has used to expose Internet sexual predators, to go after Bruce Raisley.

Von Erck pretended to be a girl named “Holly.”

Through the Internet Von Erck posing as Holly and Raisley began and continued a romantic relationship, which included having cybersex twice.

Raisley was apparently ready to divorce his wife and break up his family for Holly, expecting his Internet lover to move in with him.

The computer programmer came to an airport ready to finally meet his cyberspace sweetheart in person.

But instead of finding Holly, Raisley was confronted by a Von Erck operative who snapped his picture.

After that every sordid detail was posted online by PJ with this warning:

“[W]hen you attempt to threaten members of… this can happen to you. Tonight, Bruce Raisley stood around at an airport, flowers in hand, waiting for a woman that turned out to be a man. He’s not in love. He has destroyed his relationship with his wife, he has denigrated her, and he has betrayed all those around him. He has no one. He has no more secrets. We at will only tolerate so much in the way of threats and attacks upon us.”

Later Von Erck said that the whole “head game that was played with [Raisley] was only done in order to ‘knock him out’ so to speak.”

Bruce Raisley may have been down, but he was not out.

As the news of his humiliation traveled through the Internet and reports were archived and/or cited at various sites including the Ross Institute, Bruce Raisley evolved into his own brand of Internet vigilante. But his crusade would be a selfish one exclusively focused upon protecting his name.

The computer programmer turned his skill to attacking Web sites that included any mention of the PJ sting.

For a time Raisley’s strategy worked.

Radar removed its article from the Web rather than endure the costs incurred through endless DDOS attacks. And some smaller sites were simply shut down by their Internet Service Providers (ISP) that discontinued service rather than deal with the inconvenience and disruption that Raisley caused.

The Ross Institute’s ISP Tera-Byte in Canada abruptly pulled the plug without warning. Subsequently, a more secure location was found for the server at PRQ in Sweden.

PRQ is an ISP that has a history of standing firm against legal threats and/or DDOS attacks from would-be Internet censors.

200px-zenon_panoussis.jpgThe Ross Institute also greatly benefited from the expertise and tireless energy of system administrator Zenon Panoussis (photo right).

Panoussis is known for his strong stand against Scientology efforts to censor the Web and stifle Internet free speech.

Panoussis devised a series of carefully constructed and ingenious defenses against Raisley’s DDOS attacks, which effectively neutralized them and successfully protected the Ross Institute Web sites.

Meanwhile, he also notified any ISP that included infected and attacking computers. This led to an ongoing cooperation with the Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, which is the base for Slovenia’s Computer Emergency Response Team.

The Slovenians were able to unravel the software virus used by Raisley, which in turn led to identifying him as the perpetrator.

The Ross Institute reported the DDOS attacks to the FBI in New Jersey and Special Agent Susan Secco was assigned to investigate.

Zenon Panoussis provided Agent Secco with documentation.

The Ross Institute notified Radar; Rolling Stone, Carnegie Mellon and others attacked by Raisley.

Through this ongoing network of cooperation more evidence of the DDOS attacks was made available to the FBI.

The net result was a raid at Raisley’s home in March 2008. The FBI found a memory stick and hard drive, which Raisley allegedly admitted contained the software he wrote to conduct DDOS attacks.

Bruce Raisley arguably was a sad victim of Von Erck’s entrapment.

Ironically, if the computer programmer had approached the Ross Institute with concerns about his name appearing within articles at the database, something probably could have been worked out.

Raisley never did that.

Zenon Panoussis warned the computer programmer of the possible consequences of his actions in a phone call months before the FBI raid.

But Raisley’s response was arrogant, indifferent and his attacks continued.

Whatever grievances Bruce Raisley may have had concerning Von Erck’s behavior, that didn’t give him the right to resort to what Weysan Dun, head of the FBI’s Newark office called “cyber-bullying…as a way to try to silence our media and deny them of their constitutional rights to the freedom of press.”

It seems despite his global reputation and a Nobel Peace Prize, His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet is having a hard time finding a school sponsor for an event in upstate New York.

However, apparently it isn’t the Dalai Lama whose unwanted, but rather the company he has been keeping lately.

Specifically, it’s a private for-profit company named NXIVM (pronounced Nexium, like the “purple pill for acid indigestion), that has been touting an Albany area series of events featuring the Dalai Lama as its “honored guest.”

NXIVM is the brainchild of failed multi-level marketing guru Keith Raniere, who has been called a “cult” leader.

esp72.jpgAccording to the Albany Times-Union despite Raniere’s (photo left) undergraduate alumni status at Renselier Polytechnic Institute (RPI), that school was unwilling to sponsor a Dalai Lama event.

Likewise, Skidmore College turned down what appears to be a front group developed by Raniere known as the “World Ethical Foundations Consortium” (WEFC).

Longtime NXIVM supporter and “event organizer” Clare Bronfman, daughter of billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr., told the Albany Times-Union that she thinks “Skidmore and RPI rebuffed organizers’ attempts to bring the Dalai Lama to their campuses because of negative publicity about NXIVM.”

“I’ve had many doors shut in my face,” Ms. Bronfman said.

Skidmore spokesman Dan Forbush explained that the college had “scheduling difficulties.”

RPI spokesman Jason Gorss advised in a written statement, “While we have the highest respect for the Dalai Lama and his teachings…we chose not to accept the invitation based on a variety of considerations.”


There is consideration being given by the University of Albany to host the Dalai Lama April 20-22, but this is “not finalized,” according to the Albany Times-Union.

What is reportedly at the “heart” of the whole WEFC program “is a unique scientific process, developed by Mr. Raniere and imparted by NXIVM, which is designed to facilitate bringing compassionate ethics to the forefront of humanity.”

180px-dalai_lama_1430_luca_galuzzi_2007crop1.jpgIt appears that this may also be at the heart of why two prominent schools rebuffed His Holiness as packaged by the WEFC.

It seems that Mr. Raniere may be using both this upcoming event and the Dalai Lama (photo right)  to promote his “process” sold through NXIVM training, which a noted psychologist and leading cult expert compared to “thought reform,” commonly called “brainwashing.”

The Albany Times-Union reported that according to Bronfman “a representative of the Dalai Lama went through NXIVM’s training.”

Perhaps the school administrators rebuffed the WEFC program because they recognize the distinctions between thought reform and education, and education is the process they prefer.

After all, many colleges have historically expressed concerns about allowing “cult-like” groups easy access to their students, and it seems this also includes a group that may have somehow convinced the Dalai Lama to come along.

Update: The Albany Times Union has provided further details regarding the upcoming visit of the Dalai Lama as the “honored guest” of a “consortium” founded by NXIVM leader Keith Raniere.  Sara and Clare Bronfman stated at a press conference that “world leaders, royalty, scientists, academics and dignitaries are expected in Albany for the Dalai Lama’s appearances…” What about NXIVM’s history of bad press and controversy? Clare Bronfman responded, “There are many people who have a great amount of resources to look into NXIVM who want to come and have put a lot of time and resources into doing a lot of factual checking. They’re still coming.” Her sister Sara proclaimed that this event will “change the face of Albany” and “put Albany on the map.”

Endnote: Chet Hardin, a reporter for Metroland an upstate New York weekly, is questioning the way the Albany Times-Union has historically covered NXIVM. Hardin seems to think that the newspaper has largely caved in to pressure from NXIVM, curtailing and tailoring its coverage to avoid threatened litigation.

Final note: In the end according to the Albany Times-Union “The Dalai Lama…canceled his scheduled April appearances in Albany, apparently because of negative publicity connected to the sponsoring organization.”

National Heritage Foundation (NHF), a controversial charity with an interesting history run by the Houk family, has gone bankrupt.

photodockhouk.jpgIn a letter published late last month CEO J.T. “Dock” Houk advised (photo left), “NHF has filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Virginia on January 24th. The plan is subject to Bankruptcy Court approval…”

Houk also shared the following tidbits:

1. “We cannot make any new disbursements from our foundation accounts until further notice…”

2. “Many of the donation checks issued but not presented for payment until recently will not be honored by our bank.”

Does this mean that NHF knowingly passed potentially bad checks?

Or, was this simply an example of the general incompetence and mismanagement, which led to bankruptcy?

Houk blames his troubles on “this recession” and insists that he is only “restructuring.”

However, Houk and his charity have a troubled history as reflected by the documents and articles gathered within the Ross Institute Internet Archives about the organization.

NHF has been around since 1968 and Houk claims it has handed out “nearly $1 billion…since its inception.”

But NHF has also been something of a watering hole for the Houks.

tick_houk.jpg“Dock” Houk is CEO, Mom Houk serves as Chief Operating Officer, son “Tick” is President (photo right) and both the Houk’s daughter and daughter-in-law have served as Vice Presidents.

It seems that this “charity” is run like a family business, with the Houks collecting salaries and expenses through its ample cash flow.

Is the Houk clan following in the footsteps of the notorious Baptist Foundation of Arizona, which bilked 11,000, mostly elderly investors out of $600 million?

Former executives of that foundation were ultimately sentenced to prison time and ordered to repay hundreds of millions of dollars for defrauding their fellow Baptists in a botched financial scheme that bankrupted that non-profit organization.

Or are “Dock” Houk and his son “Tick” more like alleged fraudster Bernard Madoff, who fed off those that trusted him in what has been described as an elaborate 50-billion-dollar “Ponzi scheme.”

Whatever questionable financial practices might have passed for “business as usual” within NHF will now hopefully be carefully scrutinized through the federal bankruptcy proceeding.

This story could become quite interesting.

Virginia Commonwealth University Professor David Bromley, often referred to as a “cult apologist,” has been a recommended “religious resource”  of Scientology.

Bromley has also been touted as an “expert” on “new religions,” commonly called “cults,” by the so-called “new CAN” (Cult Awareness Network), a former anti-cult organization taken over by Scientologists.

Now the man Scientology looks to for cover, has been asked by Associated Press  (AP) to explain “charismatic leaders,” and the people that follow them.

evangelist-child-porn_mill.jpgHardly a reliable source on such subjects, Bromley held forth anyway about “cult” leaders like Tony Alamo (photo left), whose Arkansas and California compounds were recently raided by law enforcement.

The religious studies professor commented about the “intense commitment” of cultists, which many might otherwise describe as “fanaticism” brought about through “brainwashing.”

Bromley has chosen instead to call this the “hot stage.”

Alamo’s group is indeed getting pretty “hot,” as authorities investigate allegations of child abuse and pornography.

The media spotlight is likewise heating up, focused upon this “charismatic leader,” who was once convicted and sentenced to six years in prison on tax-related charges. Prosecutors say Alamo preys upon married women and girls in his congregation.

But Bromley says, “organizations [like Alamo’s] may not be as strong as they seem.”

However, Alamo is a strongman, exercising dictatorial power over his followers. And in this sense his organization is essentially run like a ver tiny version of a totalitarian state.

Bromley also claims that cult “groups are much more diverse than they appear on the surface.”

However, whatever diversity is tolerated within Alamo’s compounds, which reportedly include armed guards, would be determined by Tony Alamo.

Bromley also attempted to dismiss the eerie clone-like appearance frequently associated with cult members.

The academic apologist tacitly admitted though that they often “look and talk alike.”

But Bromley concluded that they are nevertheless “enormously different” in their “level of commitment.”

Once again, this would depend upon whatever level of commitment men like Mr. Alamo might require.

Bromley opined, “people have different reasons for being there and that half are on their way in and half are on their way out.”

Maybe some adults can consider their options, but not the children. When kids are brought up within cults, their only choice seems to be to suffer through it.

Some children within the Alamo compound may be “on their way out,” but only because authorities have interceded and the courts will now ultimately determine their fate.

This may be the greatest tragedy associated with destructive cults, that is the suffering of helpless children.

But don’t expect David Bromley to talk much about that.