Rev. Moon, purported “Messiah” and “cult leader” of the Unification Church has “funneled” $250,000 to help pay for President Bush’s inaugural festivities reports John Gorenfeld of I approve this

The $250,000 cash contribution, which represents the limit set for such gifts, comes from the Moon-controlled Washington Television Center.

The Center is a $55 million dollar building at 650 Massachusetts Ave. in Washington D.C. and it is home to such Moon-controlled enterprises as Atlantic Video and the “Nostalgia Network,” now known as “American Life TV.”

Apparently another tenant is the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), which may be a good fit considering that the Moon family is also in the gun business.

The Bushes do have a long-standing and fruitful relationship with Rev. Moon, which is why the South Korean religious leader makes it a point to attend their inaugurations and he can count on good seats.

Bush Sr. has raked in millions through accumulated honorariums paid out for speaking engagements at Moon-linked events.

The George H. Bush Presidential Library also was the recipient of a hefty gift from Rev. Moon and of course there is an appropriate plaque honoring the distinguished donor.

However, this donor is also distinguished by his criminal record, which includes a tax fraud conviction.

Pardon me?

Could it be that Rev. Moon and his followers are lining up a presidential pardon for the future to be granted right before the current President Bush leaves the White House?

“The donation may signal the beginning of an effort to secure a pardon for Moon,” says Larry Zilliox a private investigator and concerned Moon-watcher.

Is there reason to believe that Bush II can be counted on for such a favor?

Well maybe so, after all “Dubya” has so far tapped two long-time Moon devotees for political appointments, one to head AmeriCorp at Vista and another to serve as a US Trade Deputy.

Perhaps George W. Bush will once again follow in the footsteps of another president, but instead of his father this time it might be Bill Clinton, who handed out a few controversial pardons just before he left the White House.

After all if a criminally convicted former Arizona governor and wanted fugitive can get a pardon, why not a would-be “messiah”?

An elderly man claims that the Legionaries of Christ, also known as Regnum Christi, “exerted undue influence” and “pressured” him to surrender both his home and large amounts of cash.

In a letter first published by CultNews John T. Walsh Jr. explains, “the fraudulent and unlawful practices utilized by the Legion of Christ in soliciting donations.”

In 2003 Mr. Walsh was 78 and recently widowed when he was influenced by Legionaries of Christ seminarians and a “fundraiser” to make large donations to the organization.

The widower says he was “pressured” and eventually “quitclaimed [his] home to the Legion.”

Walsh also describes a process of isolation that prevented him from seeking financial advice from family and friends. He was instead “represented by counsel hand-picked by the Legion.”

The 80-year-old also claims that the Legionaries made misrepresentations about his property taxes.

“I will, in the very near future, no longer have the means to support myself,” he says.

Controversy is nothing new for the Legionaries of Christ whose founder Father Marcial Maciel Degollado has been repeatedly charged with sexual abuse.

Just this month the Vatican officially announced its decision to reopen an investigation of the powerful Mexican priest’s conduct reported New York’s Journal News.

John T. Walsh Jr. has sent his letter regarding charges against the Legionaries for financial misconduct to every Catholic bishop in the United States.

Meanwhile one bishop last month has already barred the group from his diocese.

Before Christmas Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St. Paul-Minneapolis told his flock that the Legionaries of Christ are “not to be active in any way in the archdiocese” reported Catholic News Service.

Bishop Fynn’s concern seems reasonable given John Walsh’s stated experience.

Mr. Walsh who was once secure and independent now faces financial uncertainty at the end of his life.

What the widower was led to believe was an act of faithful charity, can now be seen as the byproduct of “undue influence” by a specious organization engaged in questionable fund-raising practices.

The Legionaries of Christ has 600 priests and 2,500 seminarians worldwide. There are 75 priests from the group within the United States and its US headquarters is in Orange, Connecticut.

The old adage “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” may be useful to Tsunami survivors receiving attention from some specious sects and groups called “cults.”

Just like in the movie Troy something sinister and/or self-serving can be concealed in a “gift horse,” and it’s probably not Brad Pitt.

In recent days a growing array of controversial religious organizations, gurus and self-styled healers have launched efforts for Tsunami relief, but who are they really focused upon helping?

Do their programs reflect a genuine desire to assist the victims of the most horrific catastrophe of the 21st Century, or are they just there to play the disaster for publicity and possibly some new recruits?

South African Scientologists are using church branches as drop-off points for clothes and other goods targeted for relief reports IOL.

And Scientologists flying in from all over.

Scientology has sent volunteers from Australia to identify bodies reported the AAP.

English Scientologists and even a voluteer from Utah funded by an anonymous businessman are being flown in to somehow help reports Surrey On Line and the and the Salt Lake Tribune.

Scientology volunteers are known for their bright yellow jackets emblazoned with “Scientology Volunteer Ministers” worn when doing their charitable chores.

Scientology says that over 200 “volunteer ministers” are helping in tsunami-hit countries.

In a strange twist Scientology has trained Tibetan monks to help tsunami survivors through so-called “touch assists,” which seems to be Scientology’s version of the popular Pentecostal practice known as “laying on of hands” for healing. Scientology volunteers and the Buddhist monks using their method will touch survivors to help heal their trauma reports the AFP.

Another controversial group concerned about the trauma of tsunami survivors is the “Gentle Wind Project.” This organization is sending its so-called “trauma cards” to Sumatra, which supposedly have “the ability to forgive and [help users] move forward in life” according to one testimonial featured on the group’s Web site. But critics have dismissed the cards as “quackery” and a doctor warned that groups pushing such products often find “people who are desperate…and then take advantage of them.”

Madonna’s much-hyped “Kabbalah Centre” is shipping 10,000 bottles of its touted “Kabbalah Water,” which the pop diva seems to believe has spiritual properties reported MSNBC.

Wouldn’t regular bottled tap water be just as effective and much cheaper? But then that couldn’t afford a photo op with glitzy “Kabbalah Centre” labeling would it?

And then there is the so-called “Art of Living” organization led by a former associate of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi “Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.” He has dispatched his disciples to teach tsunami victims “yoga” and “meditation.”

Hey Sri Sri how about funding some conventional classrooms for children rather than pushing your “yoga”?

Another pitch comes from Guru Sri Chinmoy of New York. His followers are collecting for something called “The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles” organization and say they are now “engaged in an urgent global effort to bring desperately needed relief to the survivors.”

But Chinmoy, who has been embroiled in sex scandals and called a sleazy swami,” doesn’t seem to fit the “world harmony leader” title claimed at the group’s fund-raising Web site.

Mata” the hugging mama guru has reportedly laid down some hard cash reported one news service.

But will she want a photo op hugging her check like “Summa Ching Hai” when she dropped some dough on the Red Cross for September 11th victims?

Meanwhile hate preacher Fred Phelps from Kansas wants everyone to know that he is “thankful” God killed Swedish citizens through this particular disaster, something about their collective sexual sins reported Raw Print.

Is that Fred smiling over there for the cameras with his “God Hates Fags” sign?

Who will land next with the next wave of volunteers?

Maybe some Falun Gongers will show up to teach exercise classes and pass out flyers, or will it be Sai baba the guru philanthropist and alleged pedophile?

Nothing new about such activities by specious groups after a disaster except the size and depth of this terrible tragedy.

Scientology volunteers were seen at Ground Zero not long after the Twin Towers collapsed. And John Travolta seemed anxious for his photo-op when he visited the site.

Then Tom Cruise launched the Scientology-linked “Downtown Medical,” located in lower Manhattan, which provided the so-called “purification rundown” for the detoxification of FDNY firemen and others that worked at Ground Zero.

People are the most vulnerable to undue influence and recruitment efforts by groups called “cults” when experiencing a personal crisis, loss and/or going through a difficult transition. When people are isolated from family, friends, their community and familiar support systems they are likely to be weakened and more susceptible.

Sound like Tsunami victims?

Meanwhile mainstream religious and relief organizations and government agencies are focused upon providing practical help to the massive numbers of survivors such as potable not magical water, medical care and the restoration of basic services through the rebuilding of infrastructure.

CNN reports that this is the largest humanitarian effort in recorded history.

Let’s hope that that these practical efforts reach the tsunami victims before any so-called “cults” exploit their vulnerabilities or use them as backdrops for some photo-op.

Tom Cruise may not be a “Top Gun” any more, but the actor has become the top cheerleader for the Church of Scientology and he recently received a medal for it.

Mr. Cruise was awarded the so-called “Freedom Medal of Valor” according to this month’s issue of International Scientology News.

Pictured with the gaudy gold medal embedded with diamonds hanging around his neck the film star that has never won an Oscar looks happy.

Photos of Tom Cruise receiving his award and subsequently being saluted by Scientology’s supreme leader David Miscavige can be seen on the Web site of Dave Touretzsky, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

The medal award ceremony though, actually took place in Great Britain two months ago.

The current headline reads, “Advancing Scientology on a Fully Epic Scale.”

And the Scientology news article goes on gushing about Tom Cruise’s “mission accomplishments” as follows:

“Spearheading LRH [L. Ron Hubbard] Purification tech into the heart of human disaster,” which is a nod to the actor’s efforts in New York City regarding controversial detoxification clinics.

“Changing the face of education at national levels,” seemingly a reference to Cruise promoting Scientology’s “study tech.”

“Eradicating the very thought of psychiatry,” Cruise shocked the public when he told one reporter that “psychiatry should be outlawed.”

The tally counted by Scientology for Tom Cruise reads rather impressively.

He has reached “250 million people” with “study tech.”

“50 million people” with his warnings about the “evil of psychiatry.”

The Hollywood star has reportedly touted the religion “across 90 nations.”

And a purported “5,000 people hear his word of Scientology – every hour,” the publication claims.

“Every minute, of every hour-someone reaches for LRH technology…simply because they know Tom Cruise is a Scientologist,” says International Scientology News.

But is that a good thing considering the troubled history of this church, which after all has been called a “cult”?

Maybe Cruise is “Tom Terrific” for Scientologists, but to many of the church’s alleged victims and critics he is more like a “cult recruiter.”

Scientology has eight Operating Thetan or OT levels and Mr. Cruise has almost made it to the top. He reportedly is now an “OT VI” and in the process of becoming an “OT VII.”

But moving up the OT levels can be quite expensive, a journey many of his religious brethren cannot easily afford.

However, within the luxurious, cocoon-like and pampered existence of celebrity Scientologists this doesn’t seem to cause much concern.

“I think it’s a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist,” Cruise told those gathered at the award ceremony.

“That’s what drives me,” he said. “I know that we have an opportunity to really help for the first time, effectively change people’s lives and I am dedicated to that. I’m absolutely, uncompromisingly dedicated to that.”

Other sources have been somewhat less sanguine in their assesment of Scientology.

Time Magazine called the organization the “Cult of Greed… a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimidating members and critics in a Mafia-like manner.”

But Mr. Cruise apparently doesn’t care. After all he’s got his medal.

Since CultNews reported about Scientology and its “stress test” tables set up near NYC subway entrances, feedback keeps coming in from all over.

It seems like Scientology may be engaged in a nationwide holiday recruitment blitz, often focused on city shoppers and mass transit commuters.

One Christmas shopper in Chicago said, “I noticed that the Scientologists had set up…(recruitment stations) in front of Marshall Fields” department store on State St.

Someone in San Francisco tells CultNews that Scientologists have also set up shop near a subway stop in that city.

The source in Northern California says devoted members can be seen hawking L. Ron Hubbard books and working the E-meter (a lie-detector type device that Scientology claims can help “clear” the mind) right by an Old Navy Store on Market Street.

Here are some photos from San Francisco to peruse.

Aren’t cell phone cameras great?

Another response came from Boston where Scientology set up its “stress test” tables “in the middle of Cambridge’s Harvard Square subway station.”

And last month around Thanksgiving the controversial church had the same tables strewn along sidewalks in Hollywood advised one visitor to Los Angeles (a city that named a street “L. Ron Hubbard Way”).

A Portland, Oregon resident says that in that city Scientologists have been using “tweenies” (pre-teens) to hand out flyers in the bus mall during rush hour.

“I just think it’s wrong to use these young children to promote something that they probably don’t even really have a full understanding of,” she told CultNews.

One NYC commuter has officially complained to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) about Scientologists obstructing public places.

The complaint read as follows:

“The Scientologist cult has been setting up ‘Stress Test’ tables in the Shuttle passage going from the 42nd St. and Lexington Ave. Station. They aggressively harass passengers walking along the corridor to take their ‘Stress Test’ in an effort to recruit them…their tables block the free flow of pedestrian traffic in the passage.”

An MTA official responded, “We regret if you experienced difficulty while using our subway system. New York City Transit and the Transit Bureau of the New York City Police Department are also continuing to work together in an effort to prohibit panhandling in the subway system. The Transit Bureau is vigilant in thwarting illegal activity and enforcing subway rules…soliciting for charities is not legal on our trains and in our stations.”

The concerned New Yorker later surmised, “I am guessing that they are putting the pressure on now [because]…people who are feeling emotionally down or weak at this time of year [present]…a greater chance of recruitment.”

Another reader told CultNews that Scientology is also working Horton Plaza in downtown San Diego.

“My husband was accosted by them last week, offering a ‘Stress Test,'” she said.

Here is what her husband recalled.

“As I’m starting to walk through Horton Plaza to get back to work I look up to see these two grinning zombie like idiots, one girl, one guy, taking a couple of steps toward me.”

“‘Excuse me sir would you like to take a free stress test?’ said guy zombie idiot.”

“I stop, look at them (they looked genuinely concerned) then looked over to where they were gesturing and saw a card table, some folding chairs and pamphlets.”

“‘It’ll only take a few minutes,’ said the girl zombie idiot.”

“Then something went *ding* in my dull mind–Dianetics? I asked.”

“‘Yes it is,’ said the guy zombie idiot.”

“‘Oh f–k me,’ I half-way yelled ‘bunch of f—ing freaks,’ and started to walk away.”

“‘It’s changed millions of lives sir,’ said girl zombie idiot a bit defensively.”

“I took another two or three steps, stopped [and] turn to face them, ‘So has heroin and it’s nothing to be proud of.’ I think I hurt the zombie idiots feelings.”

Hardly the holiday spirit, but maybe that’s what happens when you bug busy people in San Diego.

This December Scientologists also pitched a big yellow tent in Jacksonville, Florida for the purpose of tutoring visitors on the “fundamentals” of their faith near a popular plaza. The traveling missionary show’s next stop is Miami reports The Daily Record.

It appears Christmas may signal a time for faithful Scientologists to make some sort of holiday push in memory of their messiah L. Ron Hubbard.

Even Tom Cruise got into the spirit apparently targeting his recruitment efforts. And the former Top Gun is aiming high.

Mr. Cruise sent a Christmas card that reportedly promotes Scientology to international soccer star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, once known as “Posh Spice” reported The London Mirror.

The actor told the power couple he had made a donation to his church on their behalf.

There has been speculation that Cruise’s recent friendship with the Beckhams is somehow linked to the hope that he can scoop them up for Scientology.

Oh well, some Scientologists may shiver in the cold this Winter pitching “stress tests,” while other more pampered celebrity members get off with a Christmas card mailing.

But for those who want a little holiday fun at Scientology’s expense, pick up the CD of the hit spoof that mocks the controversial church and its celebrity members now playing in LA titled “A Very Merry Unauthorized Children’s Scientology Pageant.”

And for those who would like to read the very special sacred story of Scientology that explains the foundation of its beliefs see this website.

Scientologists like Tom Cruise typically pay to learn about this story, but because of the Internet it can be a free Christmas gift.

Ho, ho, ho, and a happy L. Ron Hubbard holiday to all!

Scientology must be getting pretty desperate for recruits. The organization that boasts celebrity supporters such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta has literally gone underground in an apparent effort to dig up new members.

Devotees of the controversial church, which has been called a “cult,” set up shop working shifts with their E-meters shilling “stress tests” to passer-byes in New York’s Grand Central Station.

A concerned passenger also told CultNews that Scientologists could be seen doing the same around access points to the PATH trains, which links New Jersey residents to Manhattan.

Scientology’s “stress test” often utilizes an “E-meter.” This contraption involves holding metal cans connected to a box with a moving needle that supposedly measures the mind, or at least that what Scientologists believe as an article of faith.

The founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard reportedly claimed that the E-meter could register mental aberrations or “engrams” caused by traumas.

Counseling or “auditing” sessions within Scientology use the E-meter to help knock out those nasty engrams.

Hubbard once reportedly claimed this process could cure blindness and even improve a person’s intelligence and appearance.

Maybe that’s what makes Tom Cruise so smart and gave John Travolta his good looks?

However, it doesn’t seem to be working so well for Kirstie Alley lately. The star of the new show “Fat Actress” now weighs in at over 200.

For more details about Scientology and its wares see Time Magazine’s Scientology the Cult of Greed.”

But now back to the Scientologists working NYC subways for fresh recruits.

A concerned passenger told CultNews that the MTA transit authority was contacted to find out if it’s legal for these religious recruiters to go underground in Manhattan.

It turns out that Scientology may be breaking some rules.

“We regret if you experienced difficulty while using our subway system,” MTA responded. “Please be aware that the Transit Bureau of the New York City Police Department is vigilant in thwarting illegal activity in the subway system, and maintains an extensive police presence with officers patrolling our facilities at all times, both in uniform and undercover,” the official advised.

MTA also said, “Supervision in the Transit Bureau has been alerted to the conditions you reported at the 42nd Street-Grand Central Station, and will take steps to deploy their officers accordingly. In addition, personnel in our Division of Station Operations will monitor the location in question and any illegal activity observed will be reported immediately to field supervision.”

But why is Scientology so desperate that its devotees are working underground?

Can it be that its aging stars are no longer the draw they once were?

Maybe Madonna and her Kabbalah Centre “cult,” which includes Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Ashton Kutcher and other younger stars, has effectively bumped the old Hollywood “cult” favorite.

Perhaps the subways may soon replace Scientology’s “Celebrity Centers” and the tabloids as the most common venue to learn about the controversial church.

“Lord of the Rings” star Orlando Bloom participated in a “religious ceremony” in England this month, which demonstrated the teen idol’s commitment to Soka Gakkai International (SGI) reported Teen

But has Bloom become the latest celebrity cult casualty?

All religions have their heroes and embarrassments. Whereas the Dalai Lama of Tibet is seen as the bright positive light of his faith, SGI’s leader Daisaku Ikeda may be the bad boy of Buddhism.

SGI certainly is a controversial Buddhist sect with a troubled history and it has been called a “cult.” Ikeda its absolute ruler is a business tycoon and the power behind a Japanese political party called New Komeito.

Orlando Bloom and 60 other SGI devotees attended an hour-long religious service. At the end the actor best known for his role of Legolas in the Rings trilogy received a Gohonzon; a religious scroll that SGI devotees seem to believe is somehow imbued with supernatural powers.

Pop icon Tina Turner and Patrick Duffy star of the soap “Dallas” are other noted celebrity members.

SGI is known for its chanting. Members believe they can chant for almost anything, such as more money, a new car or whatever they want.

SGI leader Ikeda has been called “a grasping power-monger.” And New Komeito and SGI are feared by many Japanese.

One former high-ranking member publicly accused Ikeda of rape in 1996.

A Web site was launched by former members “to inform the world about the reality of Soka Gakkai, its anti-social activities and infringements on human rights, and to provide assistance to those who have suffered or are currently suffering from the distress associated with membership in Soka Gakkai.”

Sounds like something Orlando Bloom and his handlers should be looking into?

Madonna was supposedly “furious” with the press for critically scrutinizing her beloved Kabbalah Centre reported Entertainment News Network.

“What I would really like is for people to do their research,” the singer said. Apparently she is confident that the more people learn about the controversial organization the better they will like it.

But has the 1980s diva followed her advice?

Madonna’s mentors Philip, Karen, Yehuda and Michael Berg are building mansions in Beverly Hills and their pricey little palaces are titled to the nonprofit Kabbalah Centre, which is a religious tax-exempted charity.

“Study and understand,” the diva recently pontificated to the press and “have a completely different view.”

Well the “view” of the Berg family’s fancy new addresses on the 400 block of South Almont Drive in Beverly Hills is impressive.

Each so-called “McMansion” being erected for the Kabbalah Centre’s royal family is worth more than $2 million dollars.

CultNews followed Madonna’s advice and did some “research” so everyone could have a look.

Photo tour of the “McMansions”

Here is a photo of the house still under construction for Papa and Mama Berg.

And these are two cute little multi-million dollar cottages being provided for the baby Bergs.

A reliable source says that Michael Berg’s house is already occupied, but his brother Yehuda’s home is still being completed.

Some months ago it was reported by London Online that Madonna expressed concern about the Kabbalah Centre’s finances. That is, how the spent money on programs.

Well didn’t the once savvy businesswoman do any “research”?

Fox News reported the Kabbalah Centre “Spirituality for Kids Foundation had well over $3 million in net assets…[according to its 2002 IRS filing], but spent only around $600,000 of the money. About $373,000 was used for salaries. Another $133,000 was for office expenses.”

Madonna is a big supporter of this program, funded in part from the sales of her children’s books. She also donated “$22 million for a Kabbalah school in New York” reported the Village Voice.

Maybe the pop diva thinks that building mansions for the Bergs in Beverly Hills is somehow one of the Kabbalah Centre’s “spiritual” or “educational” efforts?

Are the Berg boys the “kids” Madonna wants to help?

The middle-aged pop star posited this question to the press, would they “be less irritated if [she] was studying existentialism”?

It appears that the Bergs are busy studying materialism.

And who better to mentor them than the former “Material Girl” herself.

Today the Albany Times-Union reported about the last gasp of NXIVM’s injunction dreams to purge criticism of the group from the Internet.

Self-proclaimed “Prefect” nurse Nancy Salzman, top disciple of so-called “Vanguard” NXIVM creator Keith Raniere, released a prepared statement to the press.

“We’re obviously disappointed with the court’s decision, which we believe is a blow to the sanctity of copyright protection. We believe there are fundamental property rights issues at stake, and we intend to continue to pursue vigorously all possible causes of action against the defendants.”

“A blow to the sanctity of copyright protection”?

That’s not what the Second Circuit Court of Appeals said in Manhattan when it ruled.

“Defendants writings are undoubtedly transformative secondary uses intended as a form of criticism. All the alleged harm arises from the biting criticism of this fair use, not from a usurpation of the market by…defendants.’ Accordingly, we affirm the denial of the preliminary injunction on the copyright infringement claim because plaintiffs are not likely to succeed on the merits,” the court decision stated.

Interestingly, the court ruling also included a substantial smash against NXIVM’s effort to essentially gag its students through a confidentiality agreement. The court said that “even a finding of bad faith [i.e. violation of that agreement] by defendants would not automatically preclude that their use was fair use.”

And as the Albany Times-Union reported today NXIVM’s appeal to overturn that definitive ruling at the Supreme Court was answered with silence, allowing the previous court ruling to stand as definitive.

NXIVM’s “Prefect” says she will now “pursue vigorously all possible causes of action.”

But what cause is left in NXIVM’s crusade against public criticism?

A motion for summary judgement to dismiss the entire NXIVM lawsuit is now pending before the same Albany federal court that first rejected its injunction request.

The judge in Albany may find himself in agreement with his Manhattan judicial colleagues, who found that the controversial organization’s “causes of action” were “without merit.”

NXIVM (not to be confused with Nexium the “purple pill” for antacid relief) also known as “Executive Success Programs” (ESP) recorded another strike in its ongoing court battle yesterday.

Strike Three was thrown by the United States Supreme Court, the third court to reject NXIVM’s efforts to silence its critics. The controversial organization has run out of courts to approach in search of an injunction.

This allows the last ruling of the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to stand, which was a harsh rebuke of NXIVM’s claims.

NXIVM sued the Ross Institute of New Jersey (RI), Rick Ross, John Hochman, MD, Paul Martin, Ph.D. and one of its former students claiming that quoting its material within the research reports somehow violated “copyright” and “trade secret” law.

See the following reports:

“A Forensic Psychiatrist Evaluates ESP”

“A Critical Analysis of Executive Success Programs Inc.”

“Robert Jay Lifton’s eight criteria of thought reform as applied to the Executive Success Programs”

NXIVM founder Keith Raniere appeared to experience his Andy Warhol “15 minutes of fame” last year when the failed former multi-level marketing guru made the cover of Forbes Magazine as “The World’s Strangest Executive Coach.”

But that dubious distinction soon faded and a downhill slide seemed to begin, certainly in the courts.

In an ultimately futile effort to change his legal lot Raniere retained one of the largest (1,400 attorneys) and most expensive law firms in the United States with offices in Washington D.C.

However, even the Ivy League lawyers at Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood were unable to “make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”

Perhaps the D.C. attorneys explained to their client that his chances of overturning the lower court’s definitive decision was likely to occur “when pigs fly.”

Mr. Raniere, known to his faithful as “Vanguard” and his preeminent disciple nurse Nancy Salzman who is called “Prefect” seem to have no problem wasting money in a hopeless effort to somehow circumvent the First Amendment.

But maybe the dynamic duo doesn’t care since it’s likely that the funding for their legal crusade comes largely from devoted students.

Douglas Brooks of Massachusetts and Thomas Gleason of Albany, New York represent RI and Dr. Paul Martin pro bono.

University professor Dr. John Hochman has been provided legal representation by the University of California in Los Angeles.

Attorney Douglas Brooks with help from the nonprofit organization Public Citizen prepared the response to NXIVM’s appeal to the Supreme Court.

Now NXIVM faces a motion to dismiss its entire lawsuit before a federal judge in Albany.

Attorney Thomas Gleason will appear in that court proceeding.

No doubt Mr. Raniere and Ms. Salzman will keep swinging hoping somehow to improve upon their terrible legal batting record.

However, more than a few judges have weighed in and it seems like they’re about to call the game.

Nevertheless NXIVM has unintentionally achieved something. It has helped to better legally define freedom of speech on the Internet.

In that regard Mr. Raniere may be more than just a courtroom joke and have finally found for himself some sort of lasting legacy, his court losses may be cited in the future as legal precedents.